Sue Rubira


finished painting of Maggie

23/02/07 11:23 am

At the private viewing I overheard someone say ‘oh that poor woman, how must she feel?’ as if she should feel upset and ashamed of having such a face…
'Maggie' 2007, watercolour on paper, 55cm x 75cm

I saw the exhibition yesterday and I thought that this your painting was absolutely terrific. See my blog post for my full comment on your work

Re the comment at the private view – some people say the silliest things and some of the silliest things ever heard get said at Private Views. Don’t worry about it – you do brilliant watercolour portraits. I’m sure Maggie is very pleased with her portrait.

Katherine | Mar 2, 01:25 pm

I read Katherine’s post and went to see this today. I thought it was absolutely fantastic. My first thought was ah ‘ah a brand new fresh young talent – what hope is there for us middle aged’ but I see from your biog that we probably overlapped at the RCA (which I hated). I was in the graphics department.

Julie Oakley | Mar 6, 11:24 pm